Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tap Dance Tutorial – Without Tap Dance video

Tap dance is quickly becoming a huge craze amongst the youth of today. Many young mothers have decided that tap dancing is the new ballet and are opting to teach their children how to tap dance by getting them admitted into tap dance classes. While there is no better way to learn tap dancing than joining an actual class or tutorial for the art, one can also learn how to do the art by reading simple text. Tap dance may sound or look extremely difficult but in actuality, it is quite easy to execute once one gets the hang of it.

As they would tell their learners in the many a tap dance video, one needs to begin by purchasing some good quality tap dancing shoes. Remember, do not be miserly and buy low quality shoes just to save a few pennies since that would not help in the actual lessons. On the other hand, do not overspend and buy shoes that are simply too expensive and are no better than average shoes at best. Buy something in between – something that is not too expensive but still manages to boast of a good quality make. As with all other shopping endeavors, be smart with this purchase too.

When learning how to tap dance, the first step is to learn the simple stamp of the shoe. This is fairly easy since all one needs to do is to step your whole foot down on the floor. Remember to make sure that you stamp the heel and the soul down at the same time to make the required noise. Then, do the same thing with the other foot and keep on shifting weight from one foot to the other. The interval between the stamps should be regular and in rhythm so that it feels like one is making music with their feet. Next do the stomp; basically repeat the same procedure without shifting the weight from one foot to the other.

Next up, one needs to master the brush – another important aspect of tap dancing. One needs to begin by brushing the ball of the foot against the floor. Remember to keep the brush subtle and gentle; do not apply as much pressure as would be required for a stamp or a stomp. The foot needs to be relaxed and there should be no tension in the muscles of the feet since that would interfere with the accuracy of the brush. The brush can be done with both feet but remember, even though the feet are moving to and fro, the action needs to emerge from the dancer’s thigh.

Lastly, there will be a small introduction to the two-sound, two-movement step in tap dancing (very regularly taught in a typical tap dance video. This step is called the flap. It requires the dancer to do a brush and a step down, one after the other (respectively) and in quick succession. One needs to ensure that only one foot is used to execute the movement. It is sometimes also known as a ‘fal-lap’ to match the two tones that the step makes when executed.  

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